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Writer's picturePatrick Moran

Our New Favorite Tradition

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

On a cloudy Tuesday, the students of Saint Paul's Choir School, Saint Peter School, and Saint Theresa School were blessed with just enough time to celebrate a May Crowning before the skies opened.

The three sister schools gathered at Saint Paul Parish to worship together at the noon Mass, sung by the Boy Choristers of Saint Paul's Harvard Square. The choristers' beautiful rendition of such Marian hymns as Ave Maria and Ave Regina were made even sweeter by the participation of so many of their peers from Cambridge and Somerville.

PHOTO CREDIT: George Martell

The Mass was celebrated by Father Kelly, Saint Paul's Choir School alum and pastor of Saint Paul's Parish. His homily focused on the joys of camaraderie and of young people coming together to celebrate their faith. It is a central tenant of both Catholic and Classical education: teach the good, the true, and the beautiful. Put goodness, truth, and beauty in front of children and they will continue to choose it into adulthood.

"Put [goodness] in front of children and they will...choose it."

We were honored to be joined by Boston Catholic Schools Superintendent, Tom Carroll, and his wife. The youngest boys of SPCS, the junior choristers, sat with them and celebrated the Mass together.

Following the Mass, the three schools gathered in the Saint Paul Parish courtyard to share food and fellowship. Burgers were provided by some of Harvard Square's MVPs, including Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage and Chef Doug from Saint Peter's School. Students from all schools sat by grade and made new friends.

PHOTO CREDIT: George Martell

The highlight of the day followed lunch. Together, the Catholic schools of Cambreville celebrated a May Crowning of the Blessed Mother. Students from Saint Paul's Choir School processed with the statue of Mary and were joined by the young men and women of Saint Peter and Saint Theresa schools in laying flowers. The whole ceremony finished with 250 beautiful voices singing the Regina Caeli, a staple of the choristers' repertoire, but one they had never heard sung by so many.

Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia. The Son you merited to bear, alleluia, Has risen as he said, alleluia. Pray to God for us, alleluia. - Regina Caeli

PHOTO CREDIT: George Martell

We look forward to making the May Crowning an annual tradition. Already, the boys of Saint Paul's Choir School are brainstorming what to do next!

Do you have a favorite tradition or memory around May Crownings? If you do, let us know!



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